Gifted and Talented

I have been going back and forth since my son has been in first grade trying to figure out how he learns.

My son is very intelligent and shows advanced signs of learning, but when at school does not perform. WHY? Well, that's been my struggle of trying to convince the teachers of what I see him do at home with what he actually shows them at school.

Today was the first huge eye opener and a heaven sent person. The GT instructor called and told me she is closely monitoring his selection process and gathering a lot of information to help the committee make a very good decision on whether he is gifted or not. The eye opener was that she told me to look up, Twice Exceptional. I did and boy did it help me. My son seems to be that to the t.

Twice Exceptional is a child that is gifted and has a learning disorder. In our case adhd (inattentive).

The road to help my son has been extremely bumpy, with this new information I finally feel his education is going to get better.
