
Showing posts from March 27, 2011

Next post on Dancing....

I never thought that today when I stepped out of bed would have been as busy as it was.   In constant motion. Here then there, then here again. The kids and making sure they were all set for school. work I deal with many people. Adverising is a funny animal, the personalities are a rainbow of assortment. Nice, mean, complacent, energized, hostile, and some plain Jane happy. I wish all were the happy type. I can wish. Me, I try to be nice and easy to work with, but there are so many deadlines to have to hit. Forces the mean and irritated out of anyone who can't handle stress. Not me though. I love meeting my deadlines and if I don't because of someone not pulling their end, it can make me a little crazy. However, I never show it, instead I'm cool and collected. Have to be. But, the only problem with being nice is some people mistaken that as a form of weakness. Not weak, at all. Well, the ones who can't handle the stress are the ones I try to steer clear f

Am I doing this right?

For Lent I encouraged the family into following a prayer routine of every night praying for a different classmate. The original idea was to pray for the people we have little love for in our hearts. After two nights I realized my kids have few people in that category. I am glad. So our nightly prayer time turned into just praying for someone different. My kids get it because they pick the person who they remembered something bad happened to, like get sick, get beat up, or just looked like they needed prayer. My daughter said, “Mommy I don’t know her name but she worked with the photographer at school and had tattoos all over her body and piecing in places other than her ears. Please let’s pray for her.” How could I say no to that. This year I want the kids to not just “give something up” I want them to reach out their hearts for others. And experience a true sacrifice of being selfless while looking for people to pray for and searching for the needs of others. I however, during l

Sunday’s Rule

The day I love best is Sunday. I have learned to make myself think that. Since historically for me, it has been the day I dreaded most. Who can blame me since when younger my days at school were what I like to call, “challenging”. For a youngling like I was, school was confusing and bully filled. As I grew up I learned survival skills and ways to make my Sunday no longer the day for hoping for a longer weekend. It is now the day of new beginnings. My week coming up is going to be good, at work I can’t wait to see if my projects come to pass successfully. Much to anticipate since I thrive on challenges and enjoy the whole learning experience. My love for God is the true strength to all this. I trust him and know with him in control of my life I have nothing to fear or doubt. This weekend began with Saturday getting my nails done, then we went to the San Jacinto Monument, then Sunday the kids and I ran the neighborhood and fed the ducks at the pond. Getting my nails done was fun