
Showing posts from May 15, 2011

Last Day on Earth on a Saturday? Monday is much better.

A news story yesterday was talking about today being the end of the world. Thank goodness whoever started this discussion was wrong. But just in case I still went to get my nails done. My thoughts have been all over the board lately. So much is going on. But, my main focus is my kids. Time flies when they are almost full blown teenagers. I’m trying to embrace every now moment with them, but the pressure is on, especially for Alexys. Her friends already act, look, talk and have the attitude of a teenager. I really hope my sweet daughter remains good despite her atmosphere of the “wants to grow up too fast”. Yesterday at the skating rink I didn’t realize that the kids there weren’t there to skate. They were there to just hang out. Really? Okay a few were skating, but most were talking and drinking Monster drinks. Jr. High kids don’t need any more energy. And I was shocked to see that the skating rink had those drinks av

I found the Oatmeal

There must of been a little angel hanging out with me all this week. Whenever I felt unsure or a little nervous about something, I would feel a little hug of confidence come over me or I would see how the situation/s would just work themselves out. Monday started like every other Monday, only difference was my morning breakfast. I loaded all the Neilsen ratings, gathered all the web stats, checked for the online campaigns that were live or about to be...etc...same stuff I normally do when I start my week. A week later.... Yes, that Monday I was jumping for joy for realizing I had my favorite oatmeal to eat. Jumping jellyfish, I crack myself up! This past Monday I went from thinking about oatmeal to an active list of about 7 things. Rushing, planning, multi-tasking, sending emails back and forth and reminding myself to not worry on how things played out, to just be thrilled with completion and moving on to the next objective. The angel has still been hanging out with me though. My Mothe