Am I doing this right?

For Lent I encouraged the family into following a prayer routine of every night praying for a different classmate. The original idea was to pray for the people we have little love for in our hearts. After two nights I realized my kids have few people in that category. I am glad. So our nightly prayer time turned into just praying for someone different.

My kids get it because they pick the person who they remembered something bad happened to, like get sick, get beat up, or just looked like they needed prayer. My daughter said, “Mommy I don’t know her name but she worked with the photographer at school and had tattoos all over her body and piecing in places other than her ears. Please let’s pray for her.” How could I say no to that.

This year I want the kids to not just “give something up” I want them to reach out their hearts for others. And experience a true sacrifice of being selfless while looking for people to pray for and searching for the needs of others.

I however, during lent pray nightly for a handful of people. I know how God wants us to pray for our enemies and be kind to them. I really struggle with that. But, I am trying and so far have not missed a night.

Usually I pray out loud, but now since my “not much love in my heart” group is in my prayer my husband has asked for me to say it in my head. So I do that for him, plus I understand how he feels since I totally dislike the same name. God, please change our hearts. :)

I pray I am doing this right. My kids mean so much to me and I want them to have a close relationship with God. To build their life on a solid foundation of Gods word. They see me and my husband pray and they see us fall short sometimes (okay a lot) and this hasn’t stopped them from praying to God. Guess I am doing something right.

I also gave up gum.

My next blog will be soon and probably about Dancing With the Stars. My passion for the art of dance.

